What is Selenium? What are the Benefits of Selenium?

Often the amount of selenium in the soil determines the selenium content of plants and animals.

What is Selenium?

Selenium is a mineral naturally found in soil and is a vital nutrient for humans. Selenium, an essential mineral for the body, plays an important role in various biological processes. Often the amount of selenium in the soil determines the selenium content of plants and animals. Therefore, people usually get selenium through food.

What Does Selenium Do?

Selenium has antioxidant properties and can reduce cellular damage by fighting free radicals in the body. It is also essential for the production and metabolism of thyroid hormones. It is involved in a number of biological processes such as supporting immune system functions, regulating DNA synthesis, cell proliferation and gene expression.
What are the Benefits of Selenium?

Selenium has many benefits. These include supporting immune system functions, maintaining thyroid health, providing antioxidant activity and reducing cellular damage. There is also some evidence that selenium has protective effects against cancer, but more research is needed.
What is Selenium Deficiency?

Selenium deficiency occurs when there is not enough selenium intake in the body. Selenium deficiency can develop as a result of not getting enough selenium through food or because the soils in regions are poor in selenium.
What are the Symptoms of Selenium Deficiency?

Symptoms of selenium deficiency may include weakness, fatigue, muscle aches, hair loss, weakened immune system, thyroid problems and decreased cognitive function.

What are the diseases seen in selenium deficiency?

Selenium deficiency can contribute to a number of health problems such as thyroid diseases, immune system disorders and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, selenium deficiency can increase the risk of serious conditions such as Keshan disease and Kashin-Beck disease.
What Contains Selenium? What are the Foods Containing Selenium?

Selenium is found naturally in some foods. Some foods that contain selenium include Brazil nuts, fish, seafood, meat, chicken, eggs, whole grains, selenium salt and some vegetables. It is important to regularly consume a variety of selenium-containing foods for nutritional balance.

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