What is an under-eye sebaceous gland (Milia)?

Under-eye sebaceous glands are characterized by small, hard, white or yellow cysts on the skin around the eyes.

What is an under-eye sebaceous gland (milia)?

Under-eye sebaceous glands are small, white or yellow cysts that usually form on the skin around the eyes. These cysts are caused by the accumulation of fat and keratin under the skin. Under-eye sebaceous glands, also called milia, are usually harmless, but can sometimes be cosmetically uncomfortable. Under-eye sebaceous glands can occur in any age group, although they are often seen in infants. They are usually diagnosed by a dermatologist or skin specialist and usually go away on their own if they do not require treatment.

What are the Symptoms of Under Eye Sebaceous Glands (Milia)?

Under-eye sebaceous glands are characterized by small, hard, white or yellow cysts on the skin around the eyes. These cysts are usually painless and cannot be removed by squeezing. Typical symptoms of under-eye sebaceous glands include small, lumpy formations under the skin. These cysts are usually between 1 and 2 mm in size and firm to the touch.

How is an under-eye sebaceous gland (milia) diagnosed?

Under-eye sebaceous glands are usually diagnosed by physical examination. A dermatologist or skin specialist can make a diagnosis by examining the skin around the eyes and assessing the characteristics of the cysts. Rarely, a biopsy may be needed to examine the contents of the cyst or to avoid confusion with other skin conditions. Since under-eye sebaceous glands can be confused with other skin conditions, it is important to make the correct diagnosis.

How does an under-eye sebaceous gland go away? What is good for it?

Under-eye sebaceous glands usually go away on their own without treatment. However, they can be removed by a dermatologist when their appearance is bothersome or if there is a risk of skin infection. Recommended treatments for under-eye sebaceous glands include gentle exfoliation, use of moisturizers, application of sunscreen and use of appropriate skin care products. These methods can help improve the appearance of under-eye sebaceous glands.

How is an under-eye sebaceous gland (Milia) treated?

Under-eye sebaceous glands usually do not require treatment. However, they may be removed by a dermatologist if there is a risk of skin infection or if they cause cosmetic discomfort. Removal is usually done with a simple surgical intervention. During this procedure, the contents of the cyst are drained using a needle or a small incision. However, attempting to remove it at home or unconsciously can increase the risk of skin infection, so such attempts should be avoided.

Skin Care Recommendations for Under Eye Sebaceous Glands

Regular skin care is important to prevent or alleviate under-eye sebaceous glands. Keeping the skin clean and moisturized, gentle exfoliation, appropriate sun protection and removal of oily accumulations on the skin are important steps. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that cosmetic products used around the eyes are oil-free and hypoallergenic.

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